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As part of the support and advice we provide to our esteemed clients, we have chosen the most common questions and their respective answers.

We hope that they will be useful for both employers and domestic workers.




How long does it take to get me an employee?

It lasts between 3 and 5 days maximum, after receiving the application and accepted the terms, except for positions of experienced cooks or housekeepers, which lasts much longer depending on the profile requested.

How do I pay for the services?

  1. Pay in cash or with credit card in our offices


  1. Pay by bank deposit, bank transfer or SINPE:



Customer account: 12300010300356936

Current account: 103-59-1030035693



Customer account: 83714125007679487

Current account: 918172255


Both accounts in name of: Asesores Empresariales Greylis S.A.

Legal number: 3-101-260358

Write down in detail: only your name and surname, to know who made the payment.

Once the payment has been received, we will be sending you the respective invoice by email.

What is the minimum salary of a domestic employee in Costa Rica?

As of January 1, 2018 is 184,000 per month, varies every 6 months, in January and July of each year. In the following link, you can see the information of minimum wages updated: http://www.mtss.go.cr/temas-laborales/salarios/Documentos-Salarios/lista_ocupacion_2018.pdf

How do I process the social security of a domestic employee?

The new regulation allows employers of domestic workers to register with the CCSS in a simpler way, through the Virtual Office of the CSSS, by entering:http://yoestoyseguro.cr/trabajadora-domestica/?gclid=CjwKCAiA24PVBRBvEiwAyBxf-byQKNXUjP8W-Saz5tLohRHwO5MIqkk2DiV8CCAs_Y_aVP4rFMeqABoCnMkQAvD_BwE

How do I calculate the worker/employer quotas?

You can get easier, what you imagine, a quick estimate, to calculate the monthly payment of the employer’s payroll, entering to: http://www.ccss.sa.cr/calculadora

How do I calculate a labor settlement?

Calculate for yourself what corresponds to the bonus and liquidation according to the salary paid, entering to: http://www.mtss.go.cr/tramites-servicios/calculadoras.html

How do I process the work permit?

How long does it take to get me a job?

It is the question that all are asked, it is very variable. It all depends on the type of interview you do in our offices to complete your profile. There you will establish certain conditions that increase or limit the probability of placing it. Some are placed quickly and others require more time, competition is dynamic. It will depend a lot on matching the profile that employers request with yours. We are very transparent and do not dare to promise a definite time, but you can be sure that we will help you as much as possible.