We have a specialized service of recruitment and selection of domestic employees, nannies, cooks, care of the elderly, housekeepers and miscellaneous, willing to work in families and businesses, at different times, full time, part time and days. Whether jobs with daily output or asleep at work. We offer the service throughout the country. We try to harmonize both the requirements of employers and those of domestic workers.
All candidates are interviewed in person, checked their work references, their identification documents and their criminal record certification. We are characterized by a formal, responsible and efficient service; each contract has our support and guarantee.
Step 1: Fill the employee application, so we establish a profile of the position together, which will help us make the recruitment and selection process more successful.
Step 2: Once you enter the application, we will contact you as soon as possible to complete details of the profile and explain aspects of our way of working and the commission in charged for the service.
Step 3: Accepted the terms, we start the process of the search of the candidate.
Step 4: Afterwards, we coordinate the interviews; we send you one candidate at a time until you make the final choice.
Step 5: Once the selection is made, the payment must be made the same day the candidate enters to work. See Payment methods.
Step 6: The client has a guarantee of two months, and in case the employee is dismissed for just cause or she has to resign due to personal or fortuitous reasons; we make the replacement at no additional cost. Application for an employee